Creative Kernow

Cornwall 365


Alive with creative events and cultural happenings – Cornwall has something for every day, every weather, everyone!

We are a growing network of cultural and tourism businesses who together reach out to new audiences and opportunities. We are also a network of individuals who love to know and share what’s going on in Cornwall. We can all promote Cornwall’s iconic beaches and scenery, but dig a little deeper, wander a little further, and you will discover so much more.

We are celebrating the diversity, distinctiveness and quality of Cornwall’s culture and heritage: the way we live; the things we enjoy doing; the performances we watch; the food we eat, the art we create and our ancient landscape.  We are involved with lots of activities and projects with an array of partners in the culture and heritage sector. And we’re here to tell you more, so you can enjoy what’s on offer as well as encourage your guests to also explore a little more.



Cornwall 365, Krowji, West Park, Redruth, TR15 3GE
01209 312504 |


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Creative Kernow Ltd, registered in England | no.1727731 | Charity no.292138 | Bankers: CafCash Ltd


Website © Copyright Creative Kernow 2023