Creative Kernow



Krowji; workshop or shed (Cornish)


Krowji, home to Creative Kernow, is Cornwall’s largest creative hub, providing studios, workspaces, meeting rooms, a café and other services for a diverse range of creative businesses.

As an up-cycled grammar school in Cornwall’s former industrial heartland, Krowji has provided an invaluable workspace for hundreds of creative businesses since 2005 and continues to grow, with a new state of the art eco building opened in June 2015.

It is home to a vibrant creative community which currently includes painters, jewellers, furniture makers, ceramicists, textile artists, web designers, theatre companies and musicians.

Krowji welcomes all those involved in cultural work, from creative practitioners to organisations that provide services to creative businesses. With a uniquely wide spectrum of work created by its tenants, Krowji has a powerful collective impact quite unlike any other.

A connected, supported, professional and above all creative and vibrant working environment, Krowji is constantly driving forward the exciting evolution of the Cornish arts and cultural sectors.



Krowji Ltd, Krowji, West Park, Redruth, TR15 3GE
01209 313200 |


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Creative Kernow Ltd, registered in England | no.1727731 | Charity no.292138 | Bankers: CafCash Ltd


Website © Copyright Creative Kernow 2023