Creative Kernow
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Archive: Carn to Cove Job Vacancies for two part-time Project Co-ordinator roles 2018

The employer for these posts is Creative Kernow one of Cornwall’s leading creative sector organisations, which runs a number of projects in Cornwall, one of which is Carn to Cove,  the rural touring scheme which supports a network of over 80 village halls and community spaces to promote professional touring performances to local audiences.

These posts support the Carn to Cove Project Manager and Director to deliver two seasons per year of live performances throughout Devon as part of our new Locomotor project.

We envisage two distinct roles, but these could be delivered by one person.  Post 1 needs to be based at Krowji in Redruth along with the rest of the Carn to Cove team, but Post 2 could be based elsewhere – the post holder will need to work frequently in Devon with scattered rural communities and stakeholders so needs to be able to travel independently.

Visit the Carn to Cove Website for more information and to download Job Description & Application Form.


Please submit applications by email to by 12 noon on Monday 9th April 2018