Creative Kernow



In 2008, Cornwall Council’s Creative Unit presented Arts Council England with a detailed proposal for a new community-based art programme in Cornwall. Arts Council England accepted the plan and FEAST began operating.

FEAST invests in community and artist-led projects and events that break new ground. We want excellent content and inventive thinking about how to involve different and new people.

FEAST wants to have a lasting effect. It encourages the sharing of ideas, skills and resource so that communities are left better equipped to carry on the good work.

To achieve a genuine change, which really does bring the arts home to communities, we need new ideas. FEAST wants to draw on the best ideas from the best people across Cornwall. That is why we have an open application process.

We also help artists and communities to develop their ideas.

In addition, FEAST works to take the arts into new areas by building partnerships with organisations that deliver on mainstream agendas.

FEAST joins up artists, projects and communities across the programme to make the whole more than the sum of its parts.



Vacancy for FEAST administrator

FEAST is seeking an administrator (0.5 FTE with option for flexible hours) to provide support for the FEAST team.

FEAST is a well-established arts programme which invests in a wide range of community cultural projects across Cornwall every year. You would be joining a small team which prides itself on bringing together artists and communities to open up new creative opportunities for the broadest possible range of people.

The deadline for application submission is 27th May. If you are interested in the position, both the job description and application form can be found here:

FEAST Administrator Job Description

FEAST Administrator Application Form



FEAST, Krowji, West Park, Redruth, TR15 3GE
01209 312502 |


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Creative Kernow Ltd, registered in England | no.1727731 | Charity no.292138 | Bankers: CafCash Ltd


Website © Copyright Creative Kernow 2023