Creative Kernow

Current Vacancies:



Chief Executive Officer


Creative Kernow is looking for an inspirational creative leader to be our new Chief Executive.   

We are an independent charity established in 1983 which provides a range of cultural programmes and activities as well as running Cornwall’s largest creative hub – Krowji.   Our vision is a thriving Cornwall powered by creativity. 

This is an exciting and varied role for an experienced senior executive who will be leading the organisation through a new phase of evolution to ensure a confident future for Creative Kernow.  This will include the streamlining of the charity group structure and the development of new strategies to boost earned and commercial income streams.  Our new CEO will be someone who can bring energy and resilience to this challenge and embrace the opportunities in shaping and leading an organisation at a point of transition. 


Key responsibilities will include: 

  • Developing, sustaining and communicating a vision and strategic plan for the Creative Kernow group 
  • Delivering effective and positive people management, fostering a culture where staff feel valued, receive recognition and are equipped to do their job through appropriate recruitment, supervision and development 
  • Building and sustaining relationships with key public funding agencies, external organisations, communities and individuals, including both our cultural sector partners and the wider regional ecosystem 
  • Maintaining Creative Kernow’s role as a strategic leader for the creative and cultural sector and developing partnerships to build the national reputation of the organisation 
  • Being an effective ambassador and advocate for Creative Kernow and Cornwall’s creative and cultural sector 


To apply please see attached Recruitment Pack.


Your application should include the following: 

  • A statement – covering a maximum of 2 sides of A4 at 12pt or a voice recorded version of this document or a video that is a maximum of 7 minutes- sent via WeTransfer. This statement should explain how your skills and experience meet the requirements of the role.  
  • Your CV – max 3 pages 
  • Contact details for 2 referees (including their email)  



If you would prefer to submit your application by an alternative method or for further assistance please contact 

Please submit your application files by email to by midday on Friday 7th March 2025. 

For an informal discussion about the post, please e mail to arrange a time to talk with the current Chief Executive or our Chair of Trustees. 


We believe that a more diverse workforce is a more productive, engaged and successful one too, so we want to encourage people from all backgrounds and walks of life to come and share their talents with us.  It should go without saying that we don’t discriminate based on factors such as age, race, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.  By embracing diversity we foster a happy, welcoming environment for everyone on our team.  The things that matter to us are your ability, aptitude, potential, passion and drive rather than your qualifications, so there are no formal minimum requirements.   


Interviews will be held in person at Krowji, Redruth in the week commencing 17th March 2025.  If you are not available during this date range please make this clear on your application. 


Deadline for applications Midday, 7th March 2025 

Shortlisted candidates contacted Monday 10th March 2025 

Interviews: Week commencing 17th March 

CEO Recruitment Pack and Job Description

GDPR Candidate Privacy Notice




Creative Communities Administrator


Creative Kernow is looking for an administrator, to provide support to the Creative Communities Director and team.

The work involves a range of administrative tasks to enable the Creative Communities programme to run effectively and you will be part of a dynamic, forward-thinking and collaborative team.

At Creative Kernow we champion creativity as a force for positive change in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. We are an organisation which provides a range of creative programmes and activities, working towards a shared vision: a thriving Cornwall powered by creativity.

Our Creative Communities team delivers activity across Cornwall, in line with this vision. Our core programmes are:

FEAST – investing in projects that support co-creation between artists and communities in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

Carn to Cove & C Fylm – touring the performing arts and cinema across the region

Arts Lab – young people’s programme to support creative health and wellbeing in schools and alternative education settings, delivered in partnership with Arts Well and Headstart Kernow


Please see our Creative Communities Administrator Job Description for full details of the role.


Your application should include the following:

  • A statement – covering a maximum of 2 sides of A4 at 12pt or a voice recorded version of this document or a video that is a maximum of 7 minutes- sent via WeTransfer. This statement should explain how your skills and experience meet the requirements of the role.
  • Your CV – max 2 pages
  • Contact details for 2 referees (including their email)
  • A completed equal opportunities monitoring form via this link Creative Kernow Equal Opportunities form
  • A completed GDPR Candidate Privacy Notice


If you would prefer to submit your application by an alternative method or for further assistance, please contact

Please submit your application files by email to by midday on Friday 21 February 2025.

We believe that a more diverse workforce is a more productive, engaged and successful one too, so we want to encourage people from all backgrounds and walks of life to come and share their talents with us.  It should go without saying that we don’t discriminate based on factors such as age, race, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.  By embracing diversity we foster a happy, welcoming environment for everyone on our team.  The things that matter to us are your ability, aptitude, potential, passion and drive rather than your qualifications, so there are no formal minimum requirements.

Interviews will be held in person at Krowji, Redruth on Thursday 6 March.  If you are not available on this date, please make this clear on your application.

DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check: The organisation will undertake an Enhanced Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS) check for successful candidates for this role and a confirmed offer of employment is dependent on a satisfactory response from the DBS. This position will involve occasional work with children and vulnerable adults.

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Creative Kernow Ltd, registered in England | no.1727731 | Charity no.292138 | Bankers: CafCash Ltd


Website © Copyright Creative Kernow 2023